I go by Rose or Angelique, and I am a nineteen year old black neuroscience student. I use she or any pronouns. I created this site as a place outside of mainstream social media to express myself! I am still learning so please bear with me. I am almost always listening to music, mainly metal, visualkei, and j-rock. I found vkei during my high school years. It has helped me through a lot, so it is dear to me. The name Sweet Heart Memory is the title of a Shazna song. Me from three years ago chose this name when creating this site and its stuck ever since. I love elegant gothic lolita and gothic fashion. I lean toward old school gothic, gothic-classic, or just kuro lolita. These are just a few of my interests, and I hope to share more elsewhere on my site!

I have been working in a lab for almost a year now, and I plan on doing so for the rest of my college years. I am currently thinking of either grad or medical school for my higher education, (save me) though I’ve been finding myself leaning toward grad school since I’ve been really enjoying lab research. Either way I love academia and learning more about topics I am interested in. I describe myself as shy, but passionate about my interests! I’ve been #blessed with anxiety and personality disorders, but I do the best I can.

About the webmistress
